Organization & Study Skills

Why it’s Important to Worry About Yourself

With today’s announcement making the temporary closure of schools in Minnesota permanent for the remainder of the school year, you’re all (understandably) facing some additional stress. Let’s face it… distance learning comes with some unique challenges and a solid [...]

Just give me a routine I can break

Just give me a routine I can break! Perhaps by this time in the school year I’ve repeated, “We will NOT have a morning like this again,” a few too many times. Or I’ve finally realized that I’d forgotten to [...]


nev·er·the·less /ˌnevərT͟Həˈles/ adverb in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same. however. An example of nevertheless is continuing on a job search despite dozens of rejections. › nevertheless Funny thing: I instruct my ACT students to choose nevertheless only [...]

Surviving? Our kids ought to be thriving in school

Do you argue about the same school-related problems every evening? See tears or anger that you don’t understand? Feel like you have to ride your kids’ coattails to get them to try? Or that you’re always on edge about school? [...]

Why we procrastinate, and how we can change

I’ve been thinking a bit about procrastination. It’s finally spring in Minnesota, and it seems that along with 60-degree weather and sun, we’ve tend to put off whatever needs to get done. Over my time working with students and reading [...]

Fostering Focus and Building Meaning Part II: Lessons from Your Kids’ Favorite Teacher

Does your kid have a favorite teacher? Maybe even teachers, plural? They’re amazing, aren’t they? The work your kid will put in for a favorite’s remarkable, magic, and inspiring. I had favorite teachers. Still remember ‘em. I bet you [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:27:11-05:00October 11th, 2018|Organization & Study Skills, Parenting|

Getting Rid of Squirrel-Brain: How to Work Smarter Not Harder

Dear Generation Z, aka iGens, aka “teenagers,” I’m worried about you. I know, I’m a worrier. But this world isn’t like it was when I was your age, or even like it was ten years ago, when I was tutoring [...]

By |2024-01-06T01:39:48-06:00September 27th, 2018|Learning How To Learn, Organization & Study Skills|

How To Do The Things You Don’t Like Doing (And How YP Can Help)

Ok, so when it comes to getting to the gym, I’m pretty disciplined. But I’m disciplined because I enjoy it—the adrenaline, the focus, the sense of accomplishment. I’ve just always been that way. And because I love working-out-hard, I have [...]

How Talking To Yourself Helps You (And Your Kids) Learn

Do you talk to yourself? I do. Like when I’m making a list of things to pack for the cabin, helping a student with a science question on the ACT, or making sure my grocery list is complete. I’m mentally [...]

What Exactly Does Yellow Parachute Do? (Almost) Everything

We spend a great deal of time telling you the how and why or our teaching, what inspires us, and how we hope to inspire our students. Now, we’d like to take a few minutes to talk about the range [...]

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