Great minds don’t
think alike…

we coach HOW to learn,
not just WHAT to learn,

in everything we do.

Welcome to Yellow Parachute

Coaching + Learning Partners

Where Leadership Mindset, Executive Function Skillset, + High Performance Habits
Create Neurodiversity Awareness, Aligned Values, + Strong Culture

Yellow Parachute helps visionary leaders guide their family and

team members to prioritize what matters most for transformational change.

Like Parachutes, Great Minds

Work Best OPEN.

Six Ways We Guide Leadership + Executive Function Skills


While your student receives coaching in math, reading, science, or ACT prep, they will build mindset skills to help them build confidence in how to get what they need in learning.


Achieve “who you want to be” as a parent. Explore the values and goals that are more important to you and take action to lead your family with intention.


Your job doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Set aside time to prioritize your most important roles, navigate decisions, and remove obstacles to your fulfillment.


Create greater student impact in your classroom through executive function and leadership skills. You don’t have to figure it out alone!

Virtual or in person.


The skills that got you to where you are now will not be the same skills that get you where you want to be. Build mindset, skillset, habits for the future.

Virtual or in person.


Whether your team is in one place or spread throughout the country, connect with us to prioritize and do what matters most at every level of your business.

Virtual or in person.

Work with us to develop the mindset to succeed now, the skillset to prepare for the future, and the habits to sustain a purposeful, meaningful life.

Leadership-Focused Mindset

Great minds don’t think alike.

Leadership is more than a fancy title. Each of us can lead in our own way. Gain awareness of what is uniquely important to you.

Great minds work best open.

Use this knowledge to make confident decisions and improve your relationships.

Executive Function Skillset

What is Executive Function?

Executive Function has been compared to the conductor of an orchestra.

Build specific skills that strengthen the processes used in planning, remembering, focusing, and juggling activities – in everything you do!

High Performance Habits

The secret of successful people?

How they spend their time.

Work with us to connect the 12 Principles of Top Performing Leaders with the 12 Executive Function Skills as tools to achieve them. Practice high performance habits for life.

Connect to start today!

Jump in today!

Leadership Mindset


Executive Function Skillset

High Performance Habits

Welcoming New Inquiries NOW! How Can We Help?

Call 612.361.7266

or use the form below and we will contact you!