quan·tum jump

    an abrupt transition of an electron, atom, or molecule from one quantum state to another, with the absorption or emission of a quantum.
    a huge, often sudden, increase or change in something.
    “the quantum jump in Jamie’s grades this semester is extremely encouraging”

We guide your quantum jump from feeling unfulfilled to unstoppable.

What is Quantum Jump Coaching?

Yellow Parachute’s Quantum Jump programming is a culmination of 25 years of research and practical experience.

EF Skills strengths and deficits show up in a wide variety of ways, and there is no “one size fits all” method for helping an individual improve.

Our approach follows, then, that we help each person discover their strengths and areas they want to improve – according to what matters most – through an “Executive Function Skills Lens.”

Then we help them identify ways to set and measure goals in their practice of these skills. Coaching helps individuals remove obstacles and create step-by- step success.

Why is Quantum Jump Coaching Essential?

Executive Function gaps are not personality flaws or character deficits.

The Solution: Greater predictors of success than IQ, Executive Function Skills can be learned.

Executive Function Skills Coaching has been proven to greatly improve the quality of life for people of all ages!

The ADHD Iceberg Model below depicts the difference between behaviors that happen on the surface versus what is really happening for an individual with executive function gaps.

Early intervention using Quantum Jump coaching is essential to maintaining positive mindset and perseverance for all individuals, especially those with executive function difficulties.

What is the Impact of Quantum Jump Coaching?

Executive Function Skills and Leadership Development Coaching is a recommended first-line intervention.

EF and Leadership Skills have been recommended before therapy* in helping individuals with performance gaps in everyday skills.

Quantum Jump clients report increased confidence, relationship-building, and decision-making capabilities, in addition to a sense of safety in well-being.

These reports stretch across all age demographics of clients that we see.

Coaching is for Everyone: Parents, Students, Leaders… You!

The ADHD Iceberg Model

ADHD Iceberg

Quantum Jump Coaching Builds

  • Self Awareness

  • Clearer Judgment

  • Self- regulation
  • Self- advocacy

  • Improved Mental Health

  • Better Relationships

  • Self-motivation

  • Time management

  • Confidence

  • Sense of Purpose

  • Greater Engagement in Life

  • Productivity

Quantum Jump Coaching helps people and teams of all ages move from feeling unfulfilled to unstoppable!

Thinking Skills

Learning Skills

Doing Skills

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