Middle School

What is Yellow Parachute Academy?

For the past few weeks I’ve been hearing from a lot of my parent-friends who have concerns about what school will look like in the fall. In this blog, I’ve been working to address those concerns by talking about Yellow [...]

School’s out… Time to think about next year!

SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!!! (cue Alice Cooper’s 70’s Classic Rock song)... In the past week I’ve wrapped up the 2019-2020 school year at Yellow Parachute Academy, and we’ve had our end of the year celebration. I’m exhausted and so very [...]

The opening of YPA, our learning center for middle schoolers

Opening Yellow Parachute Academy in September has increased my ambition to create school change for our young people. (You’re thinking, “Increased?! You were pretty intense before!”) Here’s why. While convicted to create a smaller, more personal learning environment for middle [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:07:17-05:00September 28th, 2019|Middle School, Teaching|

What Exactly Does Yellow Parachute Do? (Almost) Everything

We spend a great deal of time telling you the how and why or our teaching, what inspires us, and how we hope to inspire our students. Now, we’d like to take a few minutes to talk about the range [...]

How To Make the Most of Your Summer with Erika Bussmann

When the last dregs of snow have finally melted and the crunch of spring playoffs and final exams and end of year celebrations have subsided, all we want to do is belly flop onto a sunny patch of grass by [...]

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