Middle School

7 Key Executive Function Skills and Their Powerful Remote Control Buttons For Your Brain

Last week Jenny McKeand and I had the awesome opportunity to talk with the founders of Journey Peds, a clinic in Edina, MN that specializes in speech, language, occupational, and physical therapy needs for infants, toddlers, children, and teens. [...]

Keep It Between The Lines: Your Guide to the End of the School Year

The road is dark and windy, creating limited visibility ahead. The familiar route that I've traveled before now feels slightly unnerving due to the combination of rain, wind, and sharp-angled turns. As I carefully navigate a curve, my vision is [...]

Does Music Focus or Distract Your ADHD Brain?

Based on an article featured in ADDitude on May 20, 2022 Music has a profound impact on the ADHD brain, offering a unique blend of structure and stimulation that can enhance focus and cognitive function. While background noise may [...]

Why “Sleeping Tight” Should Be One of Your Biggest Intentions in 2024

Getting quality sleep is crucial for everyone, so make it a goal for 2024. Why? Just like eating nutritious food, drinking water, and moving your body regularly, sleep plays a vital role in mental and physical health and well-being. [...]

Gritty Entrepreneurs and ADHD Characteristics

Going “out on your own” requires passion, creativity, and risk-taking, characteristics commonly used to describe individuals who have ADHD. . In fact, as many as 40% of entrepreneurs report having ADHD or executive function difficulties that negatively impacted their school [...]

Stop the ADHD Shame Spiral

Do or someone you love feel perpetually unworthy? Defective? Sorry? Shame haunts people of all ages with ADHD who feel trapped by self-blame. Learn about where it comes from, why it’s harmful, and how to improve emotional health for yourself [...]

Parent/Kid Roadmap to School + Homework Success

Is your family ready for an exciting adventure in the next 30 days? At Yellow Parachute's Quantum Jump, we have created a special roadmap just for you. This roadmap is all about protecting your wellness, developing awareness of and practicing [...]

How to Make Sense of Expectations for Your ADHDer

If you find yourself resonating with the statement, "I don't know if he's lazy, she's just stubborn, or if these things are actually difficult. We are all over the place. We've lost sight of what we should be expecting," rest [...]

Motivating Children with ADHD: Understanding the Brain Differences

Hey there, parents! 👋 Let's dive into a fascinating topic today: motivation techniques for kids with ADHD. We all know that traditional methods like rewards and consequences may not have the desired effect on our humans with attention deficit disorder. [...]

For Success: Focus on Possibilities Not Limitations

Happy Back to School! Parents, I hope you enjoy your clean kitchen for a few more hours each day. 😉 A thought for your year ahead 🪂 - ”Open your mind to your possibilities. Then center your identity on your [...]

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