Personalized Learning

How Do We Implement Individualized Learning?

This May, I had the pleasure and privilege to take part in the Bush Foundation’s Individualized Learning Conference. I was moved and inspired by the speakers and participants who’ve dedicated their careers to ensuring that all kids have access to innovative, [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:32:59-05:00June 13th, 2018|Personalized Learning|

Coach Spotlight: Susan Bloom, Test Prep Beyond the Scores

Maybe Susan Bloom has always been “good at school.” Her impressive academic credentials suggest as much—a BA in political science and economics, an MA in public policy from the University of Minnesota, a Ph.D. in political economy from Northwestern University, [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:36:31-05:00May 9th, 2018|Personalized Learning, Test Prep|

The Domino Effect: How Math Tutoring Multiplied my Son’s Successes

We talk a lot about the transformative power of reciprocity between a student and tutor (learning coach!). It’s something we believe in at our core, and so we’re always thrilled to hear success stories from our clients. Of course, no [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:38:18-05:00April 30th, 2018|Math, Parenting, Personalized Learning|

Calling in the Jump Squad Part 1: Eight Signs You Need a Tutor

Your kid works diligently at a certain subject but becomes increasingly frustrated as it fails to click. You gear yourself up for homework battles every afternoon. She struggles to focus and the effort to keep her on task exhausts you [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:38:32-05:00April 25th, 2018|Parenting, Personalized Learning, Stress & Anxiety|

Change your life in 30 seconds or less with Habit Gal Sara Brand

Come New Years, the summer, the weekend, we make our lists—we will use the fresh start, the extra time, the good weather to exercise more, eat better, make more time for friends, pursue that old passion, start that new business...We [...]

Learning Coach Gabriela Grosshans, inspired by neuroscience, pancakes

As a Yellow Parachute Learning Coach, Gabriela tutors math, science, and Spanish, including ACT, SAT subject tests, and IB and AP levels. Her passion, animation, and dedication to her students embody Yellow Parachute’s model of holistic tutoring. Coaches like Gabriela [...]

Jump With Me? Reciprocity, Mentorship, and Unlearning the Naturalness Bias

As an educator with a deep desire to help struggling students and their families, I used to imagine myself as a rescue worker parachuting into a disaster zone, knapsack stuffed full of answers and fail-safe strategies, energy bars, band-aids, and [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:40:51-05:00March 14th, 2018|ADHD, Personalized Learning|

Living As You Leap: How To Succeed Outside The System

Yellow Parachute sprung from my desire to give every kid access to the education that he or she deserved. And true “access” meant processing and translating information in ways that made sense for each individual student. It also meant building [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:41:08-05:00March 7th, 2018|Personalized Learning|

From Pool to Parachute: How I Found My Purpose And How You Can Find Yours

Yellow Parachute’s mission is to inspire each individual to discover her or his unique gifts and use them to serve others—in short, to change the world. It’s a tall order, to look beyond test scores and profit margins to cultivate [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:41:33-05:00February 28th, 2018|Personalized Learning|
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