
What Exactly Does Yellow Parachute Do? (Almost) Everything

We spend a great deal of time telling you the how and why or our teaching, what inspires us, and how we hope to inspire our students. Now, we’d like to take a few minutes to talk about the range [...]

Making It Stick Part III: How To Get Teachers and Parents Off Your Back And On Your Side

In 2018, we’re launching a new learning-to-learn curriculum, based on the latest research from educational and clinical psychologists and on how we learn best, as well as over eighteen years of experience creating personalized learning solutions for kids. We’d love [...]

Making It Stick Part II: What We’ve Been Getting Wrong About Learning

n 2018, we’re launching a new learning-to-learn curriculum, based on the latest research from educational and clinical psychologists and on how we learn best, as well as over eighteen years of experience creating personalized learning solutions for kids. This 3-month [...]

How To Enjoy The Game Without Knowing The Rules: Mentorship Matters

The first time I saw a baseball game, I sat shoulder-to-shoulder with my grandfather on my parents’ couch, while men on TV swung bats and trotted back and forth, over grass and patches of dirt. My grandfather’s hands were folded [...]

By |2020-07-14T22:49:37-05:00October 25th, 2017|Personalized Learning, Teaching|

Don’t Try Harder, Try Differently: Tackling Learning Challenges With Judy Bandy

It’s not easy to recognize learning disabilities in our kids. To the untrained eye, disorders like ADD or ADHD might look like laziness or lack of self-control—traits that many of us were (wrongly) brought up to believe are problems of [...]

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