Motivation, Grit, and Self Discovery

The Journey of a Climber: Unleashing the Power Within

Imagine you are an avid mountain climber embarking on a treacherous expedition. Your ultimate goal is to conquer the summit, representing personal growth and accomplishment. Along this arduous journey, you encounter various elements that symbolize the relationship between good stress, [...]

For Success: Focus on Possibilities Not Limitations

Happy Back to School! Parents, I hope you enjoy your clean kitchen for a few more hours each day. 😉 A thought for your year ahead 🪂 - ”Open your mind to your possibilities. Then center your identity on your [...]

Power Planning for ADHD

🥰 Know what I love MOST about this summer?!?!? Besides warmth, I heart the endless drip of high school kids in and out of our house. Before you think I'm "that amazing, relaxed mom," let me assure you, it's totally [...]

The Summer of MINDSET

Can we make this the summer of MINDSET? Oh my goodness, families, the more time I spend studying what makes us successful in every aspect of our lives….it’s…you guessed it. Mindset. I’m going to use the “show don’t tell” approach, [...]

Transform ADHD Stressors into Get-It-Done Super Powers!

It’s May!  Outdoor activities have increased, and we are officially waking from winter slumber in Minnesota. In spite of these delightful beginnings, school year 's end can signal a RUSH of stressors to retake tests, turn in missing assignments, and [...]

How to Conquer Your Lack of Motivation to Get Things Done

Tackling a to-do list when you lack motivation is not impossible. Read that again. Do you ever feel “a little bit sick” with overwhelm when you have too many things you don’t want to do on your plate? Like maybe [...]

ADHD Masking: When Coping Gets In the Way

What Is ADHD Masking? “I appear very organized to the outside world, but only because I spend an immense amount of time and energy putting everything together.” “My house is an embarrassing cluttered mess. I don’t let people come over. [...]

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