High School

Power Planning for ADHD

🥰 Know what I love MOST about this summer?!?!? Besides warmth, I heart the endless drip of high school kids in and out of our house. Before you think I'm "that amazing, relaxed mom," let me assure you, it's totally [...]

The 5 Gifts of Executive Function Skills Coaching

- A Coach's Perspective Have you ever watch someone rediscover inspiration? Recently, I asked one of our EF Coaches to share the gifts she receives (unwraps, if you like metaphors), while working with families through EF Skills Coaching. Quick background [...]

7 Steps to Show Your Work in Math

Does your student have trouble showing their work in multi-step math problems? Maybe they're not really trying to push your buttons! Looking through an Executive Function Skills lens, we can identify a stress on working memory bandwidth and metacognition. Try [...]

How to Coach “The Executives” in Your Brain Get What You Need

“Wait, so there are like, EXECUTIVES in my BRAIN?” Nothing like curiosity to inspire the development of new neural pathways! Analogies are a powerful way to teach, and we are grateful to @adhd_understood for lending us the vision of "a [...]

Transform ADHD Stressors into Get-It-Done Super Powers!

It’s May!  Outdoor activities have increased, and we are officially waking from winter slumber in Minnesota. In spite of these delightful beginnings, school year 's end can signal a RUSH of stressors to retake tests, turn in missing assignments, and [...]

How to Conquer Your Lack of Motivation to Get Things Done

Tackling a to-do list when you lack motivation is not impossible. Read that again. Do you ever feel “a little bit sick” with overwhelm when you have too many things you don’t want to do on your plate? Like maybe [...]

From Button Pushers to Problem Solvers: How to Manage Conflict With an EF Detective Lens

Do you feel like your kids have the User’s Manual on how to make steam come out of your ears? The good news? You are not alone. The even BETTER news? You can turn them from button pushers to problem [...]

ADHD Parenting: How to Transform Your Kid From Button Pusher to Problem Solver

It might seem like your kid is a powerful button pusher; your kid is also a powerful problem solver! I hope this story brings you perspective in conquering regret #3 in “Parenting With No Regrets.”   Regret #3: I Held [...]

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